Registered Reports – What? Why? Where? How?
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Registered Reports – What? Why? Where? How? In-Person
Registered Reports are a relatively new form of journal article where a research team submits their proposed study’s methodology and analysis plan to a journal for peer review prior to data collection. Following a successful peer review process, the journal commits to publishing the write-up of the findings of the proposed study, regardless of the results. In this way, Registered Reports should foster higher quality research and should help us to avoid problems like publication bias (find out more at this - - link).
In this session, we will discuss what Registered Reports are in more detail, why they are an important part of our evidence base, why they are good for researchers, where they can be published, and offer advice about how best to run a Registered Report project.
Prof. Grant Abt – Registered Reports editor at the Journal of Sports Sciences – will be joining us to talk about his experience of engaging with Registered Reports.