Event box

Introduction to Research Data Management Online

Research data isn’t just numbers—it’s relevant to all fields, whether you’re generating images, interview transcripts or fieldnotes! 

Join us to explore the essentials of research data management (RDM) where you’ll learn how to effectively manage your data and sources. The session will cover key principles of RDM, including data management plans and how to organise and share your research data. We will also discuss how RDM can improve the impact and reach of your work and elevate your research profile. 

After a short presentation, there will be plenty of time for you to ask questions and to discuss any challenges you are facing with managing your data. 

Related LibGuide: Managing your research data by Andy Connelly

Tuesday, April 1, 2025
14:00 - 15:00
Time Zone:
UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
  Specialist drop-in  

Registration is required. There are 4 seats available.